Social Media Policy
January 2024
Posts by Medalist Partners, LP (“Medalist”) are for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or a recommendation to invest in any security, product, or service. Posts on social media accounts are not an offer or solicitation to buy or sell shares of any fund or investment product. Investing involve risk, including the possible loss of principal.
Medalist posts information to the LinkedIn pages Medalist Partners, LP. Views expressed are subject to change at any time based on market or other conditions. Medalist disclaims any responsibility to update such views. Views should not be relied upon as investment advice. Medalist cannot be held responsible for any direct or incidental loss incurred as a result of any investor’s reliance on opinions expressed herein.
Medalist is not affiliated with any other social media sites. Medalist accept no responsibility for content on third-party sites or information you share. Account follows, linking, or sharing of third-party content is intended to provide additional perspective and is not as an endorsement. Opinions expressed by LinkedIn followers are those of the follower and do not represent the views of Medalist or its management. Medalist reserves the right to block followers whose posts or content is deemed inappropriate or offensive or constitutes a testimonial, advertisement, or recommendation of any securities, products, services or contains promotional material.
If you participate on social networking sites, you should become familiar with the relevant privacy and security policies. Never communicate any personal or account information on social media sites. Investors should consult their tax and financial advisers for additional information concerning their specific situation.
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